We uplift and empower our clients through care at home
Comfort Keepers
2nd Floor (A), Gorey Business Park,
Gorey, Ramstown, Co.Wexford
Phone: 01 892 1302
Email: care@comfortkeepers.ie
Web: comfortkeepers.ie/
From one hour of care a week to 24/7 complex care, our care plans are supported and developed by our clinical team of nurses so you can be assured of our quality and service delivery excellence
Providing high quality home care in Carlow & Kilkenny, leading the field in customer service.
Bluebird Care
Callan Road Kilkenny
Co. Kilkenny, R95CV99
Tel: (056) 778 9952
Fax: (056) 780 6055
Email: ckw@bluebirdcare.ie
Web: http://bluebirdcare.ie/
Oak Tree Home Care Ltd
Carlow Gateway Business Centre
Athy Road, Carlow
Phone: (059)9135253
Email: info@oaktreehomecare.ie