featured nursing homes & care services
Comfort Keepers "All Ireland Homecare Provider of the Year 2024"
Phone: 01 892 1302
Email: care@comfortkeepers.ie
Web: comfortkeepers.ie/
Kiltipper Woods Care Centre
Phone: (01) 4625277
Web: www.kiltipperwoods.ie/
Our Care Services
Nursing Homes Directory & Information
Our Nursing Homes Directory provides the public with the most up to date comprehensive directory & information on all Private Nursing Homes in Ireland. There are currently 472 registered Private Nursing Homes in Ireland caring for over 20,000 people. At the top of the Nursing Homes tab we highlight our Featured Homes and underneath these you will find links to all Nursing Homes in Ireland by simply clicking on the relevant County or Province
In our Information Centre we aim to provide the most up to date helpful information on a number of key areas such as Cost of Care, Nursing Homes Fair Deal, useful Hints & Tips , Tax Relief, Regulations covering Nursing Homes & much more. This information can be accessed by simply clicking on Information
Following treatment in a hospital it is often necessary to spend a further period recovering. This is particularly so following surgery, major illnesses and accidents. Retirement Care Services provides the public with on-line access to a full directory of providers in Ireland who offer Convalescent Care. These facilities can be fully reviewed through this website by simply scrolling down the page to the relevant county where you will find the contact details for the nursing homes, care centres and retirement centres that provide this service.
Home Care Directory & Information
Retirement Care Services aim is to guide you through a comprehensive list of Home Care providers in Ireland. These facilities can be fully reviewed through this website by simply clicking on the relevant county link .
Home Care Package Providers
From the 1st September 2016 all new Home Care Packages approved by the HSE will be provided by organisations that have been approved by the HSE following a detailed tender process.
The 32 approved providers, appointed under the 2016 tender process meet a required level of national standards. However it is important to note that existing providers also provide a quality service work under agreed standards, which are monitored by staff in the local health office.
Check the list of approved Home Care Package Providers
What does a Home Care Package include?
Services provided through a home care package are flexible, but might include additional home help hours, nursing care, physiotherapy, respite care etc to support the clients’ needs. Services may be provided directly by the HSE by its own staff, for example, home help workers and nurses, by voluntary providers operating on behalf of the HSE or by private care providers.
Full details of Home Care Packages
Retirement Villages & Independent Living Information
Our aim here is to guide you through a comprehensive list of Retirement Villages and Independent facilities in Ireland. These facilities can be fully reviewed through this website by simply clicking on the relevant County link
There was significant growth in Retirement Villages & Independent Living providers over a number of years but this has slowed down in recent years with only a small number of developments planned or completed. As a result demand for places in this very popular alternative care option for independent living far outweighs availability with waiting lists a common feature. Many of these facilities are adjacent to Nursing Homes and allow residents to lead a completely active and independent lifestyle with all the comforts of modern living in a secure and friendly environment.
A number of following services and features are provided as a standard part of their rental/leasing agreement:
- Fully furnished and equipped homes
- Smoke detector, burglar alarm and nurse call system
- Twice-weekly laundry and house cleaning
- Regular refuse collection and window cleaning
- Shopping delivery service
- Access to amenity building and activity programme
- Structural insurance
- Maintenance of house exteriors (including painting) and grounds
Suppliers of Products & Services to Elderly Care
Suppliers & Service Providers to Nursing Homes, Care Centres and a range of Services to cater for people in Retirement. A comprehensive list of links to companies, organisations relevant to the nursing home, elderly care and healthcare sectors in Ireland
Retirement Care Services provides the public with a comprehensive on-line directory of employment agency's with particular emphasis on job opportunities in caring for the elderly. Our aim is to guide you through a comprehensive list of Employment providers .
We list a number of useful links to companies, organisations relevant to the nursing home, elderly care and healthcare sectors. Please click on the relevant link to visit their website.
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Nursing Homes & Care Centres
Our Services for Nursing Homes & Care Centres in Ireland
Products & Services
Our Services for Suppliers of Products / Services to Nursing Homes , Care Centres and Elderly Care